What is Files & Types of Files? Types of File Operations.
Files: As we know that Computers are used for storing the information for a Permanent Time or the Files are used for storing the Data of the users for a Long time Period. And the files can contains any type of information means they can Store the text, any Images or Pictures or any data in any Format. So that there must be Some Mechanism those are used for Storing the information, Accessing the information and also Performing Some Operations on the files.
Types of File Operations
There are Many files which have their Owen Type and own names. When we Store a File in the System, then we must have to specify the Name and the Type of File. The Name of file will be any valid Name and Type means the application with the file has linked.
So that we can say that Every File also has Some Type Means Every File belongs to Special Type of Application software’s. When we Provides a Name to a File then we also specify the Extension of the File because a System will retrieve the Contents of the File into that Application Software. For Example if there is a File Which Contains Some Paintings then this will Opened into the Paint Software.
1) Ordinary Files or Simple File: Ordinary File may belong to any type of Application for example notepad, paint, C Program, Songs etc. So all the Files those are created by a user are Ordinary Files. Ordinary Files are used for Storing the information about the user Programs. With the help of Ordinary Files we can store the information which contains text, database, any image or any other type of information.
2) Directory files: The Files those are Stored into the a Particular Directory or Folder. Then these are the Directory Files. Because they belongs to a Directory and they are Stored into a Directory or Folder. For Example a Folder Name Songs which Contains Many Songs So that all the Files of Songs are known as Directory Files.
3) Special Files: The Special Files are those which are not created by the user. Or The Files those are necessary to run a System. The Files those are created by the System. Means all the Files of an Operating System or Window, are refers to Special Files. There are Many Types of Special Files, System Files, or windows Files, Input output Files. All the System Files are Stored into the System by using. sys Extension.
4) FIFO Files: The First in First Out Files are used by the System for Executing the Processes into Some Order. Means To Say the Files those are Come first, will be Executed First and the System Maintains a Order or Sequence Order. When a user Request for a Service from the System, then the Requests of the users are Arranged into Some Files and all the Requests of the System will be performed by the System by using Some Sequence Order in which they are Entered or we can say that all the files or Requests those are Received from the users will be Executed by using Some Order which is also called as First in First Out or FIFO order.
1) Ordinary Files or Simple File: Ordinary File may belong to any type of Application for example notepad, paint, C Program, Songs etc. So all the Files those are created by a user are Ordinary Files. Ordinary Files are used for Storing the information about the user Programs. With the help of Ordinary Files we can store the information which contains text, database, any image or any other type of information.
2) Directory files: The Files those are Stored into the a Particular Directory or Folder. Then these are the Directory Files. Because they belongs to a Directory and they are Stored into a Directory or Folder. For Example a Folder Name Songs which Contains Many Songs So that all the Files of Songs are known as Directory Files.
3) Special Files: The Special Files are those which are not created by the user. Or The Files those are necessary to run a System. The Files those are created by the System. Means all the Files of an Operating System or Window, are refers to Special Files. There are Many Types of Special Files, System Files, or windows Files, Input output Files. All the System Files are Stored into the System by using. sys Extension.
4) FIFO Files: The First in First Out Files are used by the System for Executing the Processes into Some Order. Means To Say the Files those are Come first, will be Executed First and the System Maintains a Order or Sequence Order. When a user Request for a Service from the System, then the Requests of the users are Arranged into Some Files and all the Requests of the System will be performed by the System by using Some Sequence Order in which they are Entered or we can say that all the files or Requests those are Received from the users will be Executed by using Some Order which is also called as First in First Out or FIFO order.
Types of File Operations
Files are not made for just reading the Contents, we can also Perform Some other operations on the Files those are Explained below As :
1) Read Operation: Meant To Read the information which is Stored into the Files.
2) Write Operation: For inserting some new Contents into a File.
3) Rename or Change the Name of File.
4) Copy the File from one Location to another.
5) Sorting or Arrange the Contents of File.
6) Move or Cut the File from One Place to Another.
7) Delete a File
8) Execute Means to Run Means File Display Output.
2) Write Operation: For inserting some new Contents into a File.
3) Rename or Change the Name of File.
4) Copy the File from one Location to another.
5) Sorting or Arrange the Contents of File.
6) Move or Cut the File from One Place to Another.
7) Delete a File
8) Execute Means to Run Means File Display Output.
We can Also Link a File with any other File. These are also called as the Symbolic Links, in the Symbolic Links all the files are linked by using Some Text or Some Alias.When a User Clicks on the Special text or on the Alias then this will open that Linked File. So that we can say that the Files are linked With each other by using Some Names and by using Some Locations.
These are Also Called as the Symbolic Links and always remember that when we remove the Link from the System then this will not effect on the Actual file Means the Original File will be Kept Save into the Locations.
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